
Natural Apprentice

校 / 北京服装学院

作者 / 袁天笑,刘佳星 指导教师:崔艺铭

Colleges  Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
Team members Yuan Tianxiao, Liu Jiaxing and Instructor: Cui Yiming


现代儿童因疫情和智能电子设备的普及,“大自然缺失症”对孩子们健康构成威胁。自然教育备受中国家长重视,伴随露营热潮,越来越多家长选择亲子露营接触自然,但仍面临孩子与自然互动的困难。 为此,我们设计了自然教育配套教具,旨在解决公园露营时孩子害羞、游戏单调、不懂自然互动、以及家长担心安全和环境破坏的问题。教具包含指导手册、实体工具和呈现载体,让自然教育变得有趣。培养孩子社交能力、专注力、秩序感、独立和协作等基本技能。结合亲子露营的娱乐活动和自然教育理念,让孩子真正以自然为师。 产品设计融合蒙台梭利教育和中国文化元素,注重细节和用户体验,希望更多孩子接触大自然,感受自然之美。


Design description

During the Covid-19 pandemic, children have become increasingly disconnected from nature due to the widespread use of smart electronic devices, leading to a "nature deficit disorder" that poses health risks. Nature education has gained popularity among Chinese parents, creating new opportunities in the market.

To address the issue, we developed a nature education teaching aid for children aged 4-6 who camp in parks. This product includes instruction manuals and tools to help children interact with nature effectively. It aims to overcome common challenges such as children being afraid to make friends, engaging in monotonous activities, and lacking knowledge of outdoor nature exploration. Parents' concerns about their children's safety and potential harm to the natural environment are also addressed.

Nature education not only enhances children's social skills, concentration, independence, and coordination but also promotes a deeper understanding of nature. Our product combines recreational activities with parent-child camping, advocating the idea of learning from nature.

In the design process, we integrated concepts from Montessori education, five-sense design, bionic design, and sustainability principles. We also considered Piaget and Vygotsky's theories to facilitate children's exploration of nature.

To address the issue of children picking plants, we incorporated the concept of invasive plants into the product. This way, children not only learn about invasive species but also develop a sense of responsibility in protecting nature, making parents feel more at ease about their children exploring outdoors.

Ultimately, the product allows children to create works that foster a sense of accomplishment. This encourages parents to support their children's exploration of nature and invest in green products. As a result, children can have more opportunities to connect with nature.