“异乡亲睦” — 面向空巢家庭的探亲互动服务系统

“异乡亲睦” — 面向空巢家庭的探亲互动服务系统
'Amity in a Foreign City' - A Visiting Interactive Service System for Empty Nest Families

校 / 广东工业大学

作者 / 朱琦,陈晓楹,陆怡鸣,梁凯婕,吴幼天,谢昕泽 指导教师:蔡军

Colleges Guangdong university of technology
Team members Zhu qi,Chen xiaoying,Liang kaijie,Wu youtian,Xie xinze and Instructor: Cai Jun


据调研,我国家庭趋向小型化、核心化,独生子女家庭占据较大比例。独生子女工作求学的流动让家庭进一步分化。我国家庭空巢化开启,“单身社会”和“独居时代”已经到来。 空巢人数在2025年则会达到高峰。分居两地的父母与子女之间,情感隔阂成为了维系关系的巨大鸿沟。对彼此生活方式、价值观念的不了解导致在父母探亲的过程中,除了旅途繁杂、奔波劳碌导致的身体劳累外,还增加了心灵的疲惫和对异地文化环境的不适应,两代的关系愈发冷漠。 针对这些问题,目前还没有提供相应的社区设施、空间和活动来进行帮助和协调。 因此,为解决父母探亲和子女回乡的过程中产生的情感障碍和生活困难,我们设计提出了““异乡亲睦”——面向空巢家庭的探亲互动服务系统”。这套服务系统通过让亲代与子代之间加强联系,减少沟通矛盾,相互了解,减少“相见”过程中可能存在的问题,建立一次“因为思念,亲情即刻相见”的行动,减少了父母探亲过程中可能遇到的困难,不管是路途,还是体验,都更加舒心暖心,倡导让父母实现“一场说走就走的亲情之旅”。


Design description

According to research, households in China tend to become smaller and more core, with only child families accounting for a large proportion. The mobility of only children to work and study further divides families. The empty nest of families in China has begun, and the "single society" and "era of living alone" have arrived. The number of empty nests will reach its peak in 2025. The emotional barrier between parents and children who live separately has become a huge gap in maintaining relationships. The lack of understanding of each other's lifestyles and values leads to increased physical fatigue during parents' visits, as well as increased mental exhaustion and maladaptation to foreign cultural environments. As a result, the relationship between the two generations becomes increasingly indifferent. To address these issues, there is currently no provision of corresponding community facilities, spaces, and activities for assistance and coordination. Therefore, in order to address the emotional barriers and life difficulties that arise during the process of parents visiting and children returning to their hometowns, we have designed and proposed the "Harmony in a Foreign Country" - an interactive visiting service system for empty nest families This service system strengthens the connection between parents and children, reduces communication conflicts, mutual understanding, and reduces potential problems during the "meeting" process. It establishes an action of "meeting family immediately due to missing child", reducing the difficulties that parents may encounter during the process of visiting relatives. Whether it is the journey or experience, it is more comfortable and heartwarming, advocating for parents to achieve a "family journey that is easy to leave".