
Next Generation Apartment Services

校 / 萨凡纳艺术与设计学院

作者 / 梁靖凡,柴科林,高菲,高久淇 指导教师:Ricardo Martins

Colleges Savannah College of Art and Design
Team members Liang Jingfan, Chai Kelin, Gao Fei, Gao Jiuqi and Instructor: Ricardo Martins









Design description

In the dynamic landscape of the US rental market, a groundbreaking opportunity has emerged, focusing on the vibrant city with high mobility of the young population in Savannah, Georgia. This project is a bold response to the diverse needs of the Millennial and Gen Z tenant population, who form a substantial segment of the rental market and demand innovative solutions that align with their sustainability and social responsibility values.

The project's objective was to construct a dual-centric tenants and property management staff model for apartment services that are not only economically viable for both but also environmentally sustainable. The goal was to revolutionize work processes, elevate professionalism, cultivate satisfaction among tenants and staff, and alleviate the problems caused by tenants’ frequent relocations.

The project was underpinned by rigorous research, encompassing interviews, surveys, case studies, field observations, and document analysis, co-explore, and co-creation. The research team identified key stakeholders and scrutinized market trends. We also reflected an experience map based on research data and insights, which visually represents the urgent need to enhance post-occupancy property service experiences.

The main project's output is the innovative "evolution map," a strategic framework that amalgamates diverse concepts to drive a transformative journey in apartment services. This methodology delineates actions and introduces a phased implementation of concepts. It orchestrates a dynamic transition for property services through five core directions: proactive staff engagement, tenant-centric services, transparency and responsiveness, value-maximization, and intelligent segmentation and management of apartment public spaces.

The potential impact of this project is nothing short of transformative. The strategies developed could potentially influence the lives of 14,648 individuals in Savannah and up to 12.05 million people nationwide. The project's customer-oriented solutions, such as the Tenant Aid Network app and smart segmentation of public spaces, have already garnered positive feedback in online interviews and surveys.

In conclusion, this project signifies a strategic shift in apartment services towards a future that is resident-centric, sustainable, transparent, profitable, and in tune with contemporary needs. It serves as a beacon for how to effectively navigate the challenges of the rental market while promoting sustainable practices and enhancing the experiences of both tenants and property management staff. This is not just a project; it's a revolution in the making.