Recycle For Reuse — 社区驿站服务设计

Recycle For Reuse — 社区驿站服务设计
Recycle For Reuse - Reconstruct the Service  Model of Future Community Post Stations

校 / 广东工业大学

作者 / 黄伟伟,陈沂,滕熙南,曹杨忠,卢苏豫,冼冰怡 指导教师:Yong-Ki Lee

Colleges Guangdong University of Technology
Team members Huang Weiwei, Chen Yi, Teng Xinan, Cao Yangzhong, Lu Suyu, Xian Bingyi and Instructor: Yong-Ki Lee




Design description

The carbon emissions from the end-of-pipe treatment of existing packaging are high, and the promotion of the use of recycling packaging can not only effectively control the production of plastic waste, but also reduce the carbon emissions caused by express packaging materials. However, there are many pain points and difficulties in promoting the use of recycling. Then, how to reduce the difficulty of citizens' recycling and reuse behaviour is our primary design point. Through the redesign of the interior space and system of the station, we have improved the internal circulation of the Courier box and promoted the reuse of the cardboard box by the public.